HR Services

One major area of nonprofit management is Human Resources. NAM knows that effective management of human resources is essential for creating successful organizations.

  • Nonprofit organizations should exercise fair and equitable human resources practices that attract and retain qualified individuals.
  • Nonprofits have an obligation to adhere to all legal employment requirements and to provide a safe work environment.
  • Nonprofit organizations should establish specific policies and practices that promote mutual cooperation to advance the organization’s interests, and that reflect appropriate industry standards for remuneration.

To better serve our members, NAM has vetted vendors to provide affordable, high-quality Human Resources service across a variety of areas. These vendors have demonstrated flexibility in providing tailored services, with discretion and confidentially. They are able to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion and have demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of employment law. Using a request for proposal, we sought out vendors who provide services in the following Human Resources areas:


Recruitment & Selection Performance Management Employee Relations Compensation & Benefits Policies & Compliance Organization Development
  • Applicant Recruiting
  • Background Checks
  • Drug Testing
  • Job Analysis & Descriptions
  • Onboarding Processes
  • Selection Assessments
  • Executive Coaching
  • Leadership Development
  • Performance Appraisal
  • Recognition Programs
  • Training & Development
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Employee Engagement
  • Employee Retention
  • Organizational Communication
  • Organization Culture
  • Team Building
  • Benefits Administration
  • Benefits Design
  • Compensation Analysis
  • Payroll Processing
  • Human Resources Compliance
  • Personnel Records
  • Policies & Procedures
  • Safety Compliance
  • Change Management
  • DEIA Policies & Practices
  • Strategic Planning
  • Structure & Staffing Models
  • Succession Planning


Vetted HR Vendors



Collaborative Business Support, contact Linda Rhinehart, or 712.301.1673

Connection Points Consulting, Ralph Kellogg, or 402.677.4556

Zelle HR Solutions, contact Chad Thies, or Kate Abendroth at or 402.323.1664

To learn more about NAM’s process for this pilot project, click here!



These vendors agree to participate in this Pilot Program and conduct itself pursuant thereto in a manner that will promote and further NAM’s Mission, Goals, and Values. NAM will receive compensation from these vendors.